SHEPHERD’S HERALD: October 2015 (Volume 1, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

As soon as I turned 15 I got my driver’s permit, my dad’s car, my friend John, and I headed out the door to begin my 55 year love of driving. Independence, adventure, peace and excitement are just some of the words that I associate with the ability to drive. And, yet, I know there will come a day when my eyesight or reflexes, joint pain or confusion will mean I have to give up a big part of who I am and how I live.

That is something so many of our seniors in this area are facing every day. They are still able to live full active lives but cannot get around the way they need to. That is where you come in. We are always hearing “I’m just too busy”, but I hope you can find just a little of your time to give a ride to one of our seniors. We have so many wonderful volunteers doing that now, but our need keeps growing. We don’t ask for any specific commitment of time, but be assured that any time you give will greatly enrich the lives of both you and our clients.

If you aren’t volunteering yet, call us. If you have a friend who can join you, let us know. Most of all, if you are already volunteering, we can’t say THANK YOU enough.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 1 Issue 2 – October 2015 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; 2015 Progress; Community Outreach; New “Friendly Visitor” Service; Client John Vignali; and, Tips to Find a Mailbox