First page of Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Shepherd's Herald newsletter from Spring 2020

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: Spring 2020 (Volume 6, Issue 2)

SCMAFC Service Continues During Virus

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way our Shepherd’s Center serves our clients. How?

We still drive clients to health-related appointments, though the cancelling of appointments by providers has reduced the number of requests. Many of our faithful volunteers are still willing to provide these critical rides, while following the CDC and county health department guidelines for staying safe.

Our Friendly Visitors are now calling rather than visiting, still keeping in touch with those who ask for periodic check-in phone calls. Let us know if you would like a call or would like to be a caller.

Those clients who rely on SCMAFC for their grocery shopping are being served by Board members and several volunteers who shop during early morning “senior” hours or go to food banks and deliver groceries to our clients.

We have had to suspend taking on new clients during the pandemic, because the home visits required for screening them are no longer possible. As soon as the stay-at-home restrictions are lifted, we will resume accepting new clients.

We continue to accept new volunteers and are providing training by Zoom. Many in our community have stepped forward to help and we are grateful for their willingness to join us.

Our community fundraising provided by local restaurants has had to be largely suspended, with the closing of many.

Board and committee meetings are now held online using Zoom. This technology has been a wonderful learning experience!

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 6 Issue 2 – Spring 2020, or click “Download” to download.Download

In this Issue: Updates on COVID-19 Policies; Q1 2020 Ride Statistics; Free Face Masks Information; Updates to the Board of Directors; Volunteers Recognized for Providing Grocery Stores Trips