SHEPHERD’S HERALD: June 2017 (Volume 3, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

In all volunteer organizations there are those who are the backbone, the ones who keep the operation running. In our organization that group is known as the Ride Coordinators. They are our first responders, our front line, our anchors. They are the ones who take care of business every day and become our window to the needs of our clients. Sometimes they get cranky and frustrated, but that is a very temporary issue because the very next call will warm their hearts again. So for this column I would like to thank these 8 individuals who do such a great job making the lives of our clients easier (we hope) and richer. Tom Eversole, Denise Augustenborg, Michael Lerner, Irv Auerbach, Mary Highsmith, Rob Stotz, Christine Sheehy and Ed Schrock are your dedicated coordinators who use their time and energy to keep us running smoothly. It is a very interesting and rewarding job and anyone who would be interested in becoming a part of this group just let us know. It’s all done in your own home via your phone and computer. With summer coming and people
going on vacations we can always use backups. Have a wonderful summer.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 3 Issue 2 – June 2017 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; SCMAFC statistics; Sofia Rontaler is 2016 Volunteer of the Year; Fall Prevention; Gala Luncheon Honors Volunteers; We welcome our newest Board Member Bob Clark

What our clients are saying

Since we have initiated a program to send out birthday cards to our clients we have gotten several thank you responses including one saying:

“Thank you so very much for your fantastic service, beautiful B’day card and caring message! You made my day EXTRA SPECIAL.”

Another client left us a phone message saying:

“Thank you for remembering my birthday yesterday and sending my very lovely little card. I am very appreciative.”