SHEPHERD’S HERALD: June 2016 (Volume 2, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

Dear Friends of SCMAFC

When I first became involved with the Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church, I never realized how much my life would change. Not only have I met some extraordinary people, many of whom have become good friends, but I have also learned so much about the community where I live. By being involved, I am more aware of the needs of many different groups and definitely of the needs of our senior population. I have come to appreciate the cooperation between both volunteer and professional entities. This year our Board has become more involved in the community by attending many functions that have brought rewards in both volunteer and financial support. We will be having our Volunteer Appreciation luncheon in May and we hope that if you are a volunteer, you will definitely come, and please bring a friend who may be interested in volunteering. You are why our organization is a success.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 2, Issue 2 – June 2016Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; 2016 Year-to-date Rides; Virginia Hospital Center Resources; Spring Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon; Helping, Fixing, or Serving; McLean Day; Good Reading, and Local Movie Theaters!