
SHEPHERD’S HERALD: June 2017 (Volume 3, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

In all volunteer organizations there are those who are the backbone, the ones who keep the operation running. In our organization that group is known as the Ride Coordinators. They are our first responders, our front line, our anchors. They are the ones who take care of business every day and become our window to the needs of our clients. Sometimes they get cranky and frustrated, but that is a very temporary issue because the very next call will warm their hearts again. So for this column I would like to thank these 8 individuals who do such a great job making the lives of our clients easier (we hope) and richer. Tom Eversole, Denise Augustenborg, Michael Lerner, Irv Auerbach, Mary Highsmith, Rob Stotz, Christine Sheehy and Ed Schrock are your dedicated coordinators who use their time and energy to keep us running smoothly. It is a very interesting and rewarding job and anyone who would be interested in becoming a part of this group just let us know. It’s all done in your own home via your phone and computer. With summer coming and people
going on vacations we can always use backups. Have a wonderful summer.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 3 Issue 2 – June 2017 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; SCMAFC statistics; Sofia Rontaler is 2016 Volunteer of the Year; Fall Prevention; Gala Luncheon Honors Volunteers; We welcome our newest Board Member Bob Clark

What our clients are saying

Since we have initiated a program to send out birthday cards to our clients we have gotten several thank you responses including one saying:

“Thank you so very much for your fantastic service, beautiful B’day card and caring message! You made my day EXTRA SPECIAL.”

Another client left us a phone message saying:

“Thank you for remembering my birthday yesterday and sending my very lovely little card. I am very appreciative.”

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: February 2017 (Volume 3, Issue 1)

Message from our Chairman:

Loneliness is hard not only on your heart but also your health. It is something that can slowly creep up on you without you even knowing that it is happening. People with busy lives can find themselves lonely because it isn’t how many people you speak to in a day that makes you less lonely, it is the connection you make while talking to them. One day I had to wait about 45 minutes in the mall to pick up my granddaughter, so I got a coffee and sat at a table with a complete stranger. We started talking and before we knew it we both had to leave. I don’t know her name, but even today I can remember how good I felt after we finished talking. We had made a connection, we had listened to each other and we had shared ourselves in some way. A stranger before and after, but a feeling I still remember. When we are little we are told “don’t talk to strangers” and we should always use our “danger” radar, but there are so many wonderful people out there. They are in front or back of you in the grocery line, sitting next to you at the doctor’s office, or walking beside you as you go into church. Say hello, make a connection and brighten their day and yours. The first hello is the first step to not being lonely. And always remember to CALL an old friend or relative and say “ Hi, I’ve been thinking of you.” They might be lonely too.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 3 Issue 1 – February 2017 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message – A 45-Minute Friend; 2016 End of Year Review; Tax Time Help and Scams; Volunteer Appreciation Party; Help for Hearing Loss; Upcoming Events; and Frequently Called Numbers in Arlington

What our clients are saying:

“Thanks so much to Robyn and her charming son for helping me over the two-day doctors care for my cataract surgery. I am inspired.”

“I am so appreciative of what the Shepherd’s Center has done for me. It took a long time but I finally won with the hearing aid company. Thank you.”

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: October 2016 (Volume 2, Issue 3)

Message from our Chairman:

Recently I talked to someone at the “Food for Others” group located on Prosperity Avenue in Fairfax. Their new Executive Director, Annie Turner, was so helpful that I decided to find out more about the organization. Food for Others is over 20 years old and serves thousands of families in the Northern Virginia area, most of it at their 15,000 sq. ft. warehouse operated by volunteers. They are starting a new program with a nutritionist on site once a month to counsel clients with special dietary needs. My favorite program is the “Power Pack” program that serves 26 elementary schools providing 2 days of food for the children for the weekend. They have provided over 80,000 packs in a year and the need is growing. With the holidays approaching I feel the greatest gift is to help someone to not be hungry.

There are many ways to help—food drives, donations, volunteering. Two of the many food groups in our area are:

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 2 Issue 3 – October 2016
In this Issue: Chairman’s Thanksgiving Message; 1,953 Rides and counting in 2016; Talking Books; Phone Line Changes; Health Science Library with Geriatric Resource Center; Call for Volunteers.

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: June 2016 (Volume 2, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

Dear Friends of SCMAFC

When I first became involved with the Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church, I never realized how much my life would change. Not only have I met some extraordinary people, many of whom have become good friends, but I have also learned so much about the community where I live. By being involved, I am more aware of the needs of many different groups and definitely of the needs of our senior population. I have come to appreciate the cooperation between both volunteer and professional entities. This year our Board has become more involved in the community by attending many functions that have brought rewards in both volunteer and financial support. We will be having our Volunteer Appreciation luncheon in May and we hope that if you are a volunteer, you will definitely come, and please bring a friend who may be interested in volunteering. You are why our organization is a success.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 2, Issue 2 – June 2016Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; 2016 Year-to-date Rides; Virginia Hospital Center Resources; Spring Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon; Helping, Fixing, or Serving; McLean Day; Good Reading, and Local Movie Theaters!

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: February 2016 (Volume 2, Issue 1)

Message from our Chairman:

When I first became involved with the Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church, I never realized how much my life would change. Not only have I met some extraordinary people, many of whom have become good friends, but I have also learned so much about the community where I live. By being involved, I am more aware of the needs of many different groups and definitely of the needs of our senior population. I have come to appreciate the cooperation between both volunteer and professional entities. This year our Board has become more involved in the community by attending many functions that have brought rewards in both volunteer and financial support. We will be having our Volunteer Appreciation luncheon in May and we hope that if you are a volunteer, you will definitely come, and please bring a friend who may be interested in volunteering. You are why our organization is a success.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 2 Issue 1 – February 2016 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; Retiree Facts; 2015 Summary; Volunteer Holiday Party; Being There for Shepherd’s Center Clients; Friendly Caller & Friendly Visitor New Services; Volunteer Handbook; New Board Members; Replace/Duplicate Your Social Security Card; Free Tax Preparation.

What our clients are saying:

“Thanks so much to Robyn and her charming son for helping me over the two-day doctors care for my cataract surgery. I am inspired.”

“I am so appreciative of what the Shepherd’s Center has done for me. It took a long time but I finally won with the hearing aid company. Thank you.”

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: October 2015 (Volume 1, Issue 2)

Message from our Chairman:

As soon as I turned 15 I got my driver’s permit, my dad’s car, my friend John, and I headed out the door to begin my 55 year love of driving. Independence, adventure, peace and excitement are just some of the words that I associate with the ability to drive. And, yet, I know there will come a day when my eyesight or reflexes, joint pain or confusion will mean I have to give up a big part of who I am and how I live.

That is something so many of our seniors in this area are facing every day. They are still able to live full active lives but cannot get around the way they need to. That is where you come in. We are always hearing “I’m just too busy”, but I hope you can find just a little of your time to give a ride to one of our seniors. We have so many wonderful volunteers doing that now, but our need keeps growing. We don’t ask for any specific commitment of time, but be assured that any time you give will greatly enrich the lives of both you and our clients.

If you aren’t volunteering yet, call us. If you have a friend who can join you, let us know. Most of all, if you are already volunteering, we can’t say THANK YOU enough.

Austine Eversole,
Chairman of the Board

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 1 Issue 2 – October 2015 Download
In This Issue: Chairman’s Message; 2015 Progress; Community Outreach; New “Friendly Visitor” Service; Client John Vignali; and, Tips to Find a Mailbox

SHEPHERD’S HERALD: April 2015 (Volume 1, Issue 1)

Message from our Chairman:

This is the first of what we plan will be a regular newsletter, describing our achievements, honoring our volunteers and updating you on our plans. As I look back on the 2014 I am struck by how much we have accomplished, but I am also aware of how much more there is to do to make a better life for our elderly citizens. In these pages you will see that the number of rides given, the number of clients served and the number of volunteers providing those rides have increased dramatically over the previous year. And these numbers are still on the rise.

We are all proud of these accomplishments, but it has come with a significant increase in the load on our core set of volunteers, our Board of Directors. These hearty folks have taken on new responsibilities, including necessary fund-raising efforts, raising the awareness in our community of our services, recruiting new volunteers, developing new programs to serve our clients and even putting out this newsletter. We hope that as you read these pages you will be motivated to help us in one way or another to expand our horizons to serve the elderly community of McLean, Arlington and Falls Church.

Ed Schrock,
Executive Director

Download The Full Shepherd’s Herald Newsletter:

Volume 1 Issue 1 – April 2015 Download

In This Issue: First Issue message from Executive Director; Kate Jones Volunteer of the Year; Total Rides and Drivers in 2014; List of 2014 Donors, Board of Directors

What our clients are saying:

“Thanks so much to Robyn and her charming son for helping me over the two-day doctors care for my cataract surgery. I am inspired.”

“I am so appreciative of what the Shepherd’s Center has done for me. It took a long time but I finally won with the hearing aid company. Thank you.”